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Showing posts from 2013

D. Todd Christofferson - The Prophet Joseph Smith

The expanding access we enjoy to the Prophet’s work and teachings fills previous voids in our knowledge, confirms some things we already knew or thought, and supplies answers to questions we might have had. The information also raises new questions and highlights new areas of inquiry to pursue. Realistically, however, we ought not to expect in this life to know all the answers (or for that matter, all the questions). The Prophet himself declared: You don’t know me; you never knew my heart. No man knows my history. I cannot tell it: I shall never undertake it. I don’t blame any one for not believing my history. If I had not experienced what I have, I would not have believed it myself. . . . When I am called by the trump of the archangel and weighed in the balance, you will know me then. 7 You know, of course, that as prophesied by Moroni, there are those whose research relating to Joseph Smith is not for the purpose of gaining added light and knowledge...

Thomas S. Monson - Be a Light to the World

In order for us to be examples of the believers, we ourselves must believe. I would think that each of us within the sound of my voice has a testimony, although our testimonies are no doubt of varying degrees. It is up to each of us to develop the faith necessary to survive spiritually and to project a light for others to see. Amidst the confusion of our age, the conflicts of conscience, and the turmoil of daily living, an abiding faith becomes an anchor to our lives. Remember that faith and doubt cannot exist in the same mind at the same time, for one will dispel the other. Among the most effective ways to gain and keep the faith we need would be to read and study the scriptures and to pray frequently and consistently. From a devotional address given at BYU on November 1, 2011. Read, Watch, or Listen at

Clayton M. Christensen - Decisions For Which I've Been Grateful

By World Economic Forum from Cologny, Switzerland - Leading Through Adversity: Clayton ChristensenUploaded by January, CC BY-SA 2.0, I wanted to just recount for you five decisions that I made when I was a young adult that in retrospect have had a profound influence on my life, because these are decisions that I think many of you will find yourself needing to make, and maybe, if I can talk through with you how I wrestled with and made those decisions, it might help you think through a similar problem if it arises in your life. From a devotional talk given at BYU-Idaho on June 8, 2004. Read , Listen , or Watch

Dieter F. Uchtdorf - The Reflection in the Water

Much of the confusion we experience in this life comes from simply not understanding who we are. Too many go about their lives thinking they are of little worth when, in reality, they are elegant and eternal creatures of infinite value with potential beyond imagination. Discovering who we really are is part of this great adventure called  life. Read or watch this message at

W. Steve Albrecht - Be As Good As You Can Be

From With your knowledge of who you are and what is important in life and by maximizing options, adding value each day, and avoiding inhibitors of success, the changing world you face presents great opportunities, not threats, for you. With your background, training, knowledge, beliefs, and standards, you are much better poised to take advantage of future opportunities than are most others. Read, view or listen to this message at